Great pic huh? Thank my friend for that one, forgot the zoom lense and its dark as hell, Ill get a new one soon. Well anyways, Ive been listening to Pantera since Cowboys From Hell in 90. I saw the Cemetary Gates video on Headbangers Ball, the only show MTV ever had worth watching I tihnk it was one of the only times they played it, which is cool because MTV sucks! I didnt become a fanatic until Vulgar came out, and when I heard it I was hooked. Im now a full blown pantera addict, I have so many posters/magazine clipings/stickers on my walls I forget what the walls themselves look like. I have enough pantera te-shirts to last me a good 2 weeks without having to wash any shirts, maybe 3 weeks if I counted my other band shirts, hehe. Well this site isnt about me so ill stop writing this now, just thought you may be interested.